Regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever that girl was to the world,she becomes everything to you. When you look her in her eyes traveling to the depths of her soul and you say a million things without a trace of sound,you know that your own life is inevitably consumed within the rythmic beatings of her very heart... We love them for a million reasons. No paper(or blog) would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart...
4 σχόλια:
"We love them for a million reasons." nai..ontws agapate... auth h agaph omws den antistoixei se auth tvn gynaikwn, h opoia einai pio sta8erh..ontws to niw8ei ena agori otan to leei..ekeinh ti stigmh omws, enw ena koritsi einai pio sigouro g auta pou ekfrazei kai 3erei oti de 8a to pei gia na to anairesei meta apo liges meres...8a to pei gia to logo to oti inai sigourh pws 8a to niw8ei gia poly akoma....epi th eukairia Hmera ths Gynaikas shmera :)
mmm asteraki mou,h agaph gia thn opoia milaw einai auth pou isws erxetai mono 1 fora sth zwh...k tote pistepse me to ennooume k emeis..
ta blogs den einai gia emo
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